Terms & Conditions


GREBE COACHES LTD Terms and Conditions of Hire


  1.  Application

These conditions apply whether a contract has been made verbally or in writing.


  1. Quotations

Quotations are given based on the most direct route using information provided by the hirer, unless particular instructions have been given by the hirer. These will be clearly shown on the quotation.

All quotations are provided subject to the company having a suitable vehicle available when the hirer accepts the quotation.  Quotations are valid for 28 days unless otherwise notified.


  1. Use of the Vehicle

The hirer cannot assume the use of the vehicle between outward and return journeys, nor that it will remain at the destination for the hirers to use unless this has been agreed with the company in advance.



  1. Route and Time Variation

The company reserves the right to levy additional charges for additional mileage and/or time to that agreed.  The charges will be made at an hourly rate of £40.00 or part thereof. The vehicle will depart at times agreed by the hirer. It is the responsibility of the hirer to account for all passengers at those times.  The company will not accept liability for any losses incurred by passengers who fail to follow instructions given by the hirer. Landing times at Airports will be checked before we depart from our depot and collection times amended wherever possible so that all additional charges are avoided if possible.


  1. Drivers Hours

The hours of operation for the driver are regulated by law, and the hirer accepts the responsibility of ensuring the hire keeps to the hours and times agreed by the Company.  Neither the hirer nor any passenger shall delay or otherwise interrupt the journey in such a way that the driver is at risk of breaching regulations relating to driving hours and duty time.  If any breach is likely to occur, the company may alter the journey schedule for the vehicle to seek to comply with the law. The hirer will be responsible for any additional costs incurred unless it is outside the control of the hirer.  


The calculation of any additional costs will be as in condition 4.


Where delays occur, we cannot be held responsible for any losses arising due to the delays or non-performance of the services unless they are solely to the negligence of the Company or Coach Operator.

Where a second driver is required to complete the journey legally the customer will be advised of this at the quotation stage. Should the customer wish to amend the journey times and subsequently require a second driver the company will advise of any additional cost.



  1. Seating Capacity

The company will, at the time of booking, agree and specify the legal seating capacity of the vehicle to be supplied.  The hirer must not load the vehicle beyond its legal capacity.


  1. Conveyance of Animals

No animals may be carried on any vehicle without prior written agreement from the company this includes Assistance Dogs.


  1. Confirmation

Normally, written confirmation by the company (this includes email) is the only basis for the acceptance of a hiring or for a subsequent alteration to its terms. If an alteration is made by the hirer after the balance due date, an administration fee of £12.50 will be applicable.


  1. Payment

Any deposit requested must be paid at the time of booking and balances must be cleared 14 days prior to the date of hire unless otherwise agreed by the company. Should the outstanding balance not be received, and the company agrees to dispatch the coach the company reserves the right to add interest at the rate of 2% per annum above the base rate of [Lloyds T.S.B) Bank, calculated daily, from the date by which payment should have been made.

Customer payments can be made directly into the Company bank account (details are included on Company invoices), over the telephone using a valid Debit Card.


  1. Cancellation Policy


10.1 Private Hire

 Either party can cancel for whatever reason up to 14 days prior to the hire taking place. If a booking is cancelled in writing by the Customer 14 days or more before the date of travel, other than the initial deposit paid by the Customer, the Customer will have no further costs to pay.

In some cases a cancellation charge of £25.00 may become applicable.

If the booking is cancelled by the supplier with more than 14 days’ notice the supplier shall refund any deposit paid by the customer or if the whole amount has been paid a full refund will be given.


If a booking is cancelled by the Customer with less than 14 days’ notice, payment in full will be due to Grebe Coaches from the Customer.

Deposits are not refundable on bookings cancelled by the Customer.

There are no refunds for ferry, tunnel, hotel, tolls fees or any other non-coach operator costs.


10.2 School Hire – Full terms and conditions for School Hire can be obtained from the Company Office.


In the event of any emergency, riot, civil commotion, strike, lock out, stoppage or restraint of labour or on the happening of any event over which the company has no control (including adverse weather and road conditions) or in the event of the hirer taking any action to vary agreed conditions unilaterally, the company may, by returning all money paid and without further or other liability, cancel the contract.


  1. Vehicle being Provided


a.     The company reserves the right to provide a larger vehicle than that originally specified at no additional charge unless any extra seats are used in which case an additional pro rata charge may be made.

b.     The company reserves the right to substitute another vehicle (including those of other operators) or ancillary facilities for all or part of the hiring subject to such substitutes being of at least equivalent quality to that originally hired.


  1. Breakdown and Delays

The company gives its advice on journey times in good faith.  However, because of breakdown or traffic congestion, or other events beyond the reasonable control of the company, journeys may take longer than predicted and in those circumstances the company will not be liable for any loss or inconvenience suffered by the hirer as a result.


  1. Conduct of Passengers

a.     The driver is responsible for the safety of the vehicle at all times, and as such may remove any passenger whose behaviour prejudices safety or is in breach of the Public Service Vehicle (Conduct of Drivers, Inspectors, Conductors and Passengers) Regulations 1990.  These regulations set out certain rights and responsibilities on all parties, and full details of these can be obtained from the company on request.  The hirer is responsible for any damage caused to the vehicle by any passenger for the duration of the hire.

 b.    Where the hire is to a sporting event, the hirer should be aware of the legal requirements relating to alcohol, contained in the Sporting Events (Control of Alcohol) Act 1985, (as amended) and the conditions of entry to race courses as laid down by the Race Course Association Ltd.  The company will provide details of these restrictions on request.



  1. Consumption of Refreshments and Alcoholic Drinks

Other than on a vehicle fitted expressly for that purpose, food (except confectionery) and drink (including alcoholic beverages) may not be consumed on the vehicle without prior written consent from the company.


  1. Complaints

In the event of complaint about the company’s services, the hirer should strive to seek a solution at the time by seeking assistance from the driver or from the company.  If this has not provided a solution; Complaints should be submitted to the company in writing and within 14 days of the termination date of the hire. The company will acknowledge all complaints within 14 days and will normally reply fully within 28 days.


  1. Soiled vehicles

Passengers will be subject to a minimum cleaning charge of £150.00 if you soil the coach with alcohol/ drink, vomit/ food, or any other disrespectful behaviour such as excessive dirt e.g., muddy boots with no change of footwear.
If you damage the vehicle the hirer will be responsible for the cost of any repairs necessary. Action will be taken and may be reported to police as a criminal act.

GREBE COACHES LIMITED is registered in England No: 07342134. Registered office at The Old Mill House Mill Lane, Wheatacre, Beccles, Suffolk, NR34 0SB
© Grebe Coaches Website Designed and Hosted by Red Dune